question avatar image asked David Marginian edited

Can not adjust tips for an Auth (Debit card)

I'm using remote-pay-ios SDK for Semi-integration (Clover Mini)
When I adjust tips for an Auth.

- It's OK if the Auth using Credit card

- But It's failed if using Debit card. The error message:

Error adding tip.  Payment with id = SAMB3WMVDJ06M for the order NHJX0N9313RBJ is not a PREAUTH, it is a

I try to use the Clover's Tips app. It's also display only transactions which using Credit card.
There's not transaction which using Debit card.

What's wrong with Debit card?

Clover Minisemi-integrationssecure network pay displayRemote Pay iOS
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

In the US, if a branded EMV debit card is used for the transaction, tip adjust should be allowed. (This assumes the device is configured for tips on paper and gateway tipping is on.) Outside the US, tip adjust is not allowed. What is the full error you are getting?

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I'm using the Sandbox device within the US.
There's not existed Debit card transactions in the Tips App of Clover (have only Credit card transactions)

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Is the device configured for tips on paper? What is the full error you are getting?

0 Likes 0 · avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hi David,
Everything works well with Credit card.
Problem only with Debit card (Although I'm using default Tips app of Clover).

I searched on the internet, looks like it related to the EMV chip card and card processing company. (ref: )
Do you have info/document of Clover about tip restriction related to EMV chip cards

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Show more comments avatar image answered David Marginian converted comment to answer


Tips on PAPER was configured on this device (it works well with credit card transactions, only ERROR with debit card transactions)

The full error:

tipAdjustAuthResponse : {success: false, result: FAIL, reason: null, message: Error adding tip.  Payment with id = 0Y8A1PWHV9FBJ for the order QTWDT7QJBF9JC is not a PREAUTH, it is a , orderId: null, paymentId: 0Y8A1PWHV9FBJ, tipAmount: 100}

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

I looked at the payments you provided and they were processed as a Sale. You can't tip adjust a sale, it is a final transaction. If you are performing an Auth via Clover Connector that does NOT mean the payment will always be an auth. You can check the isAuth flag on the payment response to determine if the payment will be available for tip adjustment, if true it should be. I am guessing there is something off with your merchant settings (as I said, merchant settings must be tips on paper) that is co-ercing the payment to a sale.

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