
devendra avatar image
devendra asked Greg answered

How can we capture standalone signature?

Hi Team,

We are integrating POS with Clover Mini Device using Secure Network Pay app and we want send seperate request only to capture signature. Is there any way available to capture the signature and send back to POS system? Also we want to know how we can trigger the event from POS side to clover mini to capture the signature.

Please let us know how can we achieve these features in clover mini ?

Awaiting for the response

Clover Minisemi-integrationssecure network pay display
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1 Answer

Greg avatar image
Greg answered
Hi @Devendra,

There is no built in way to capture the signature by itself using Clover's payments app. If you are interested in building your own, and you are using one of our remote-pay SDKs for semi-integration, then you can use Clover Connector's Custom Activity endpoints to launch your signature "app" which will capture the signature and send the data back to the POS (that has the Clover Connector). Please review for more information.

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