
vhernandez avatar image
vhernandez asked David Marginian Deactivated commented

V2 APK signature scheme is not supported.

I got V2 APK signature scheme is not supported, when I try to push a new apk, I signed it with the v1, however the sandbox says

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

Have you tried searching this community? There are several results for this type of error, here is one that may help -

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

You must sign with V1, and NOT sign with V2.

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01928-7325x2 avatar image
01928-7325x2 answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

FYI, the latest version of Android Studio is already remove the V1 option.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, devs will need to use older Android Studio or command line tools:

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pritesh25 avatar image pritesh25 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

@David, Please share command line tools with complete steps because i tried multiple resource on internet to achieve it but still i'm facing challenges while generating apk from command line with V1 Signature. Below is top resource which i tried.


Whereas If i use older Android Studio then i will not have benefit of Android Studio updates/feature anymore in future.

So, i request you to share complete steps of generating signed apk from command line with V1 Signature.

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jayachandranvenugopalan avatar image jayachandranvenugopalan pritesh25 commented ·
  1. //use this signed config file in ur bulid gradle module i m using new verison android studio only for mr it is working fine
  2. signingConfigs{
  3. release{
  4. storeFile file(keystore_file)
  5. storePassword keystore_password
  6. keyAlias key_alias
  7. keyPassword key_password
  8. enableV1Signing true // Clover app APKs must use V1 signing (JAR signing)
  9. enableV2Signing false // prevents APKs from being signed with V2 scheme
  10. }
  11. }

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