
memahesh avatar image
memahesh asked natalieclover edited

"HTTP 499 Application error" when configuring a Flex dev kit

In clover setup step 5 - Customize your device-Select Plan

When I try to select any of the plans it gives me this error and I cannot proceed further.

"HTTP 499 Application error"

Clover FlexSandboxDevKit
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1 Answer

natalieclover avatar image
natalieclover answered natalieclover edited


I can make an update to your merchant plan to fix this. Can you either comment your merchant ID or send it to please?



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memahesh avatar image memahesh commented ·

Devkit Flex Serial: [redacted]

MID: [redacted]

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natalieclover avatar image natalieclover ♦♦ memahesh commented ·

Okay, please restart your device and let me know if that helped.

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memahesh avatar image memahesh natalieclover ♦♦ commented ·
This indeed worked. Can you give some context on what happened just now?

Why did it not work earlier, and what did u do to make things work?

As a sandbox user, I didn't expect to react closer support for this issue, and was really confused on what happened.

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