
Vishal avatar image
Vishal asked satw33 Suspended answered

Build CloverWindowsTransport

I am using Clover SDk 4.0.2 C# version. I would like to modify the CloverWindowsTransport dll source. Does it possible to do that?
Why i need that
File name WebSocketCloverTransport.cs
Method - Connect(string)

case ws: - works fine.
case wss:
#if NET40
throw new ArgumentException("Clover Windows SDK does not support SSL connections in .NET 4.0, only in .NET 4.5 configurations.", nameof(endpoint));
#elif NET45
//websocket = new WebSocket(endpoint, sslProtocols: SslProtocols.Tls); websocket.Security.AllowUnstrustedCertificate = true; // for testing ONLY

I need to modify the source under #if NET40 condition, Does it possible? i am going to use third party tool to accept SSL connection part when i use .NET 4.0

I hope you understand my question.

Looking forward it.
Clover Minisemi-integrations
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nanalyly avatar image
nanalyly answered

Clearly outline the purpose and functionality of your project. Determine how Clover and Windows Transport will interact and what specific features you want to implement.

Immaculate Grid

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carinamon avatar image
carinamon answered

Your article provided valuable insights into a complex issue. I appreciate your nuanced approach and how you tackled multiple facets of the topic. It encouraged a deeper understanding.

Immaculate Grid

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satw33 avatar image
satw33 Suspended answered
  1. Speed tests can also help you become more aware of potential security threats. If you notice sudden drops in speed or inconsistent performance, it might indicate that your network is compromised or infected with malware with spectrumspeed. This can prompt you to review your security measures and take steps to protect your devices.

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