I wanted to access device passcode in our application to for more security. so how can get clover mini device passcode programatically? Thank you in advance...
I wanted to access device passcode in our application to for more security. so how can get clover mini device passcode programatically? Thank you in advance...
You can't "show system passcode screen in [your] application". That is reserved for the system.
You can force the device to lock and hence show the lockscreen. It won't be "in your application". For that, you can use the Lockscreen class in the SDK.
If your goal is have the employee re-auth themselves with their passcode, you can use ACTION_AUTHENTICATE_EMPLOYEE as indicated in the link above from David. Read the javadocs in the SDK they explain the various ways it can be used.
Here's a link to the javadocs: https://clover.github.io/clover-android-sdk/com/clover/sdk/v1/Intents.html#ACTION_AUTHENTICATE_EMPLOYEE
Actually I want to access passcode screen in our application for security purpose.So how I can show system passcode screen in our own application? Please reply....Thank you
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