
qualwebs avatar image
qualwebs asked qualwebs commented

Printing custom order and Employee Name


We are facing some strange issue with clover integration with our restaurant system.

Employee Name for custom orders: We created Employee from the clover admin and passing it when creating order using API, The problem we are facing is, When the user loggedin on POS, The order employee is changing to the POS user automatically but when the POS is locked, the employee name showing correctly.

Printing: When the POS is locked, the printing of order is working well, it ways prints the orders but when the POS is active, It sometimes prints sometimes not. We are using the print_event API for this.

These roadblocks are affecting production implementation. Please let me know if more clarification needed.

REST APIPrintEmployees
10 |2000

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·
It's quite possible our software is filling in the employee to be the current employee of the device. It'd help if you could be more specific about what APIs are being used to create the order.
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qualwebs avatar image qualwebs Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

This is the API endpoint we are using to create order on clover.{MID}/orders

And yes this is happening when the clover POS user logged in, how can we put another employee's name? I'm passing the below params to this endpoint

    'total' => {AMOUNT},
    'externalReferenceId' => {ORDERID},
    'employee' => ['id' => {EMPLOYEEID}],
    'paymentState' => "PAID",
    'title' => {TITLE}
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ qualwebs commented ·

I don't see anything obvious in the client code that's changing the employee ID.

It'd help if you could provide the exact command (curl for example), and follow up steps to reproduce the problem. I'm not familiar with this system either. If I'm able to reproduce I could file a bug for the responsible parties.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

I ran your test. Not sure what is expected for `externalReferenceId` but entering the order ID there gave me an error about only accepting 12 characters so I removed it from the post. I didn't look into that further.

After this I could see the order in the web dashboard > Orders with the correct employee.

Without passing an order state the order doesn't even sync to the device. I also tested adding `"state": "open"`. This caused it to sync to the device, again with the correct employee ID. I have 14 devices here and it synced down to all of them correctly.

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qualwebs avatar image qualwebs Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·
In our case, if user loggedin to POS device, the employee name getting changed to the user who loggedin.
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