
ben avatar image
ben asked David Marginian edited

Pre-auth functionality in Canada?

According to the Clover documentation (here: ) pre-auths are not supported in Canada. However, when doing some testing in the sandbox environment, on a device set up for Canada, we've found that we can run a pre-auth, and it appears to go through (we get a successful response back). We are using the secure network pay display app on a Clover Flex.

Are we seeing this behavior because we are hitting the sandbox, or is the documentation wrong and pre-auths actually are supported in Canada? Or could it be something else entirely going on here?

Also, if pre-auths aren't supported, what kind of behavior should we expect to see in production, if someone attempts to run a pre-auth in Canada? Will we need to do anything on our side to handle or try to prevent this from happening?


semi-integrationsClover Flexsecure network pay displayAuth
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

I believe the documentation is correct, pre-auths are not supported in Canada (at least not for Interac cards). You are correct, you are likely seeing it work because you are on sandbox. If your POS attempts to perform a pre-auth in Canada in production the SDK will throw an error resulting in onSaleResponse being called (with an unsuccessful payment response).

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