
mitche avatar image
mitche asked David Marginian answered


We need some help clearing up some confusion. We are developing a solution that just connects through the SNPD app. Do we just generate the RAID and pass it with our device calls as outlined in the doc or is it more involved than that? The documentation is confusing because it seems like we have to make our own app of some sort which we don't have any need to do for this solution. We just need some clarification on the process and requirements here. Thanks.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

I just answered this in your other post -

Yes, you need an app. RAID is tied to a Clover application.

You can read about our process here (I do admit it is not super clear on needing a Clover App):

If you have more questions then you will need to contact and discuss your application with our developer relations team.

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