
onusms avatar image
onusms asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Clover Mini Connectivity issue using USB PAY DISPLAY


We are trying to connect Clover Mini with USB PAY DISPLAY to the CloverExamplePOS.EXE

When we use the Production Live Clover Mini device then it connects successfully but when we try to use Clover Mini Demo Device then it is not connecting. The USB connection itself is not detecting the Clover Mini Demo device on our Laptops.

Note: This issue happens only with the Clover Mini DEMO devices. All other Production and Sandbox devices connect successfully.

So is there anything we need to enable on the Clover mini Demo device to connect it to our POS via USB connection and USB PAY DISPLAY app?

Can you please advise?

Thank you.

Clover Minisemi-integrationsUSB Pay Display
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onusms avatar image onusms commented ·
Can someone please advise on this?
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onusms avatar image
onusms answered David Marginian Deactivated commented


Can someone please advise on this request?

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paulryan avatar image
paulryan answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Hi David

I’m having same issues on my devkit, my devkit update to android Ron 10 the other day hasn’t work since

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