
Vishal avatar image
Vishal asked David Marginian answered

Clover Mini USB connection Issue

I am using Clover SDK ver C# sample code to connect the Clover mini device.

We have an application that we built which integrates with the clover mini. For the usb connection part we used the sample code which was given for the clover sdk. We have had occurrences where when we either shut down and start up the PC or shut down and restart our application that the connection via USB is not recognized. We then have to unplug the USB cable and plug it back in. Once we do this the connection is established again.
Is there a way we can prevent this connection problem from happening?

Looking forward your help. Many Thanks.
Clover Minisemi-integrationsUSB Pay Display
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
Have you tried using a more recent SDK version?
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