
mybmr avatar image
mybmr asked David Marginian edited

Order Receipt failure issue

Hello ,

We are developing functionality in our application in which we are printing order receipt in connected order printers according to label assigned to specific printer. Order items will be sent to particular printer based on the label assigned to order item and the order printers.

We currently have Mini's Order printer and Kitchen Star Printer attached as Order Printer.

Whenever we trying to print receipt from our application , order receipt is not getting printed on any of order printers. Instead of printing it shows error like "Error Printing".

Please let us know the solution to overcome the above issue.

Thanks & Regards,

OrdersClover MiniPrint
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

On the mini you may be able to get some more info by checking the print queue, open the printers app, select the hamburger menu in the upper left and select "Printer Queue".

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mybmr avatar image
mybmr answered mybmr edited

yes all the order which needs to be printed in order printer are keep adding in printer queue and we keep getting that printer error every time when we try to print order receipt from our application.

But what we need to do with this order printer queue? our goal is to print receipts at the same instance when we try to print receipt from our application.

we have used StaticOrderPrintJob to print order receipts and we needs to print order line items to appropriate order printer based on the label of items and labels of printer. Also when we sent PrintJob to printer we are getting toast message of "order sent to printer" but then we got that error.

We have used this way to print items in order printer

PrintJob job = new StaticOrderPrintJob.Builder().itemIds(itemIds).build();

Also we have some error logs of printer . Please check below screenshot


Can you let us know that what will be the issue?

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mybmr avatar image
mybmr answered David Marginian edited

is there any update on above issue?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Are you sure you are passing valid item ids? Have you tried passing a valid order id as well?
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mybmr avatar image mybmr David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

yes as we have confirmed that we are passing valid itemIds.

we also tried by passing order in printJob like this way

PrintJob job = new StaticOrderPrintJob.Builder().order(order).build();

but it shows same issue of printing failure

Is there any suggestion except passing orderId to printJob?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ mybmr commented ·

The NPE you are seeing (from your attached image) is happening because the order you are passing is null. If you are saying you are now passing a valid order then sending the new logs/stacktrace would be helpful.

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