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Clover Print API on Essentials Plan Not Detecting Printer

We have a merchant Running a clover mini on the essentials plan. They use our application which uses the print api to send requests to the printer. The issue we are having is, although the customer is able to add an order printer to their clover mini on the register plan, they are unable to add a printer on the essentials plan to use with our software for order printing.

Is there a way we can enable that feature in the essentials plan as the merchant is using our software and not the clover software. Our application fully supports order printing and kitchen printing but we can not offer that to our customers unless they upgrade to the register plan which is more than triple the cost.

This further adds inconvenience to the customers from using our platform as to use a single basic print feature, they need to get a whole new expensive subscription from clover. Can you please let us know how we can make printers discoverable on the essentials plan without having to pay extra for all the other clover features included that the merchant will not be using.

OrdersREST APIClover Miniclover developer communityPrint
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