
richa avatar image
richa asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Received only two webhook for Payment out of four

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We have processed four payments.out of these four payment we got "Create Payment Web hook" for only two orders, below are the details of orders for which we have received payment web hook

1) Order ID - 124SZ9FTY75J8 Payment ID - 67WHAZX9D99W8 (Invoice No 4)

2) Order ID - O21RWN6WZ3XX8 Payment ID - DOKACR75P9QT4(Invoice No 1)

For two orders we have not received any payment web hook although the payment was successfully completed, below are the details of orders for which we have not received the payment web hook

1) Order ID - RG9HMZHJEJ84G Payment ID - 1X1OGAN74G9VE (Invoice No 2)

2) Order ID - V7584VO5Y3E9C Payment ID - HZAQFQZR48M7T (Invoice No 3)

Could you please check and let us know why we have not received the payment hook for all four payment or we are missing anything?

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