
bryangerr avatar image
bryangerr asked kate12aaaq Deactivated sent

Using webhook for web app

We are building a webapp to automaticly send the reciept to our customer service. We want that this works with a webhook.

I created an API in the dashboard so we can acces al the data. Now i want to make a webhook that gets fired if a payment is done.

The only place i can find where i can make a webhook is in the development environment. Is this correct and do i need to make a complete app to just register a webhook?

Thanks in advance.


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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

In order to use web hooks ( you must have a Clover application, in this case you a web application ( If your API usage was designed to be used by multiple merchants you need to have an app anyway or else you will be in violation of our terms (the use of merchant tokens is not allowed in production for apps). You can read more about app approval here -

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bryangerr avatar image bryangerr commented ·

Hi David,

We're using our own web app as a service to retrieve all payments within Clover. The web app is exclusively for our own use and should never be public for other merchants.

The web app we registered in the Clover administration has been validated based on a Request and Response. This worked fine.

Our problem is that when we are making an "test payment", we don't see the payment going through the webhook we created for this purpose. Hopefully you can guide us how to solve this problem.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ bryangerr commented ·

The web app needs to be installed to your merchant - This can only be done in sandbox. In production your app will need to go through our approval process (linked to above) before it can be installed to your merchant. How are you making the test payment?

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lti avatar image
lti answered

@bryangerr - Have you found a solution for this? Thanks!

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