
msargent avatar image
msargent asked msargent commented

Webhooks Cash Payments

I'm looking for a way to simulate cash payments so I can work with how webhooks will transmit data payloads during a cash payment. Is there a way to do this from the dashboard in the sandbox account without a Clover Station or similar device?

If not, won't I need a Clover Station or similar device connected to my Sandbox account to simulate cash payments?

If so, how do I go about getting a device authorized for my sandbox account?
SandboxClover StationWebhooks
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msargent avatar image msargent commented ·

I have a partial answer to my questions: Clover devkits can be purchased from However, I'm till wondering if I can simulate closing out an open order with a cash payment with no physical device just using the Clover sandbox. Is that possible?

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