
aasna avatar image
aasna asked David Marginian commented

How do I redeem my gift card? Is there a way to redeem gift card without using 3rd party gift card app?

I want to redeem a clover gift card without using any third party services and making it as a card not present option. Is there any alternative solution to it? In this post

I saw that Jeffry had replied saying "Clover accepts Gift Cards, but the specifics of how a payment is tendered is not typically something an app is concerned with. Your app just asks Clover to accept a payment, and you get a success or fail response back. That's a Good Thing as it means you need not be concerned with the many complexities of various tender types." I need answer on how to take money from gift card.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Our ECommerce API does not currently support gift cards. It is on the roadmap but I cannot provide you with a time-frame at this point.

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aasna avatar image aasna commented ·
Is there any other solution? Like is there a way to accept payment using gift card from our clover app?
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ aasna commented ·

"clover app", do you mean, an app that you built that runs natively on Clover devices? If the gift cards are natively supported by our devices (card present) then there isn't anything you would need to do. If they aren't then you would need a Custom tender app - This all assumes card-present, and you said you want card-not-present.

For card-not-present you would have to validate/auth the gift card and then use the to add the payment to the Clover order.

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aasna avatar image aasna David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

How do I validate the gift card?

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