
michalpha avatar image
michalpha asked David Marginian commented

Default passcode after activation


We have just purchased a Flex gen 2 dev kit, and after connecting it to our WiFi and entering the activation code, we were asked to load the paper roll and do a test print. However, after this step we let the device sit for a couple of minutes and it went to sleep. Upon waking it, we were asked to enter a passcode, which we never set up. So I'm wondering, is there a default passcode set when we purchased the device, or why does it ask for a passcode when we never set one? If there is no default passcode, how can we do a factory reset on the device to re-activate it and finish the process in one go?

I've seen community questions from 2018 being asked to tap on the clock 8x on the lock screen, which did nothing in our case. I've also disassociated the dev kit using the sandbox dashboard, reading that doing so when the device is connected to WiFi will cause it to automatically reset, but it did not either and is still asking for a passcode. Please help us in activating this dev kit.


Thank you very much

Clover FlexDevKit
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

That doesn't look like a devkit. It looks like a demo/production device. How did you obtain this device? If you need a devkit you will need to purchase one, more information here -

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michalpha avatar image michalpha commented ·

Hi David,

Apologies, you are correct, this is indeed a demo/production device. We had thought this was a devkit as well. So for these demo/production devices, we should not be associating them to our sandbox accounts, but instead use the app store directly to download our actual published app, correct?

Also in our case, how do we get past the passcode lock screen that appears after activation?

Thank you very much.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ michalpha commented ·

How did you obtain this device?

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