
npakudin avatar image
npakudin asked sam Deactivated commented

Install app to Clover Flex

I cannot install a test app to Clover Flex in any way.

I created a sandbox account, associated device with it and activated it.
Both Android and Macbook connected to single Wi-Fi
I created file ~/.android/adb_usb.ini with content

But when I try to use `adb devices ` it shows me empty list.
When I try to `adb connect` - IP got from Clover's settings, I see
unable to connect to Connection refuse
(But the same works perfectly with SGS5)

When I tried to compile standard app paywithsecurepaymentexample (just changed namespace), I uploaded it to the sandbox site, but cannot install it to device (don't see in app market neither in app apps, nor installed apps, nor through search).

How to install app to my Clover Flex?
Clover FlexDevKit
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1 Answer

npakudin avatar image
npakudin answered sam Deactivated commented
Thanks @Sam, after creating pricing app appeared in the market as non-published.
But on installation it shows "App installation error".
I don't have hub and cannot watch logs for details.

Also I tried to create a new app from scratch like described at , upload it to market, add pricing. But I don't see the app.

What can be wrong in both cases?
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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