I want to post customer info like customer unique number. For example, I want to post auto-increment number as a customer info. Then I will know the payment will be known from which number customer.
I want to post customer info like customer unique number. For example, I want to post auto-increment number as a customer info. Then I will know the payment will be known from which number customer.
Does your system have it's own "customer" or are you talking about a Clover customer? The easiest way to associate a Clover customer with a payment is to use Card on File (https://docs.clover.com/docs/ecommerce-saving-card). If you aren't talking about a Clover customer, then there is no need to store anything on our end. Simply associate the payment in your internal system when the payment is made.
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Then, in your system correlate a Clover charge/payment id with your customer.
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