
ravi avatar image
ravi asked zalak123 commented

Online International Transaction Processing with Clover Integrated Payment API


I am reaching out to seek clarification regarding the use of Clover's integrated payment API for international transactions.

As a franchise owner with multiple locations in the United States, I operate an online business that serves customers globally. However, I am currently facing a challenge regarding the processing of payments for orders placed from countries outside the United States.

My merchant account is established in the United States, but customers from countries such as the United Kingdom or other then United States are placing orders through our online webiste and i used a Clover payment system for my website. Could you please advise on which API should be utilized to seamlessly process payment transactions in such international scenarios? or i can use a merchant country's URL like for any countries.

OrdersREST APIe-commerce apiDeveloper Pay API
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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered ravi published

Ecommerce is currently available for US and CAN. We are still working on it being supported in EU

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ravi avatar image ravi commented ·

Why do we have multiple endpoints as provided in the screenshot? and can you confirm that we can not process credit card transactions using a hosted iframe for countries other than US and CAN?

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ravi avatar image ravi commented ·

Can you confirm the hosted iframe for online credit card transactions is only supported for the US and CAN?

If that is true then what are those different endpoints for?

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ravi avatar image ravi commented ·

If I am in India and attempt to place an order on a website using a Clover-hosted iframe, and the website's merchant is based in the United States, will the order not be created for an Indian user? If that is the case, then only users from the United States and Canada can place online orders.

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zalak123 avatar image zalak123 ravi commented ·
I have the same question here.
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