
jcroy33 avatar image
jcroy33 asked g3rocks answered

Hosted Checkout Not Displaying Service Fee

We have an additional charge set up in the Sandbox developer account. However, when taking the user to the Hosted Checkout, it only displays the "subtotal" "tax" and "tip". The Service charge is not displayed. screenshot-2023-08-16-at-65304-pm.png


REST APIPaymentse-commerce apiDeveloper Pay API
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered jcroy33 commented

It looks like in sandbox the feature flag is not enabled. It will have to be added but this functionality is available in PROD US Merchants. I can't promise I can get this flag enabled for your test merchant, however, can you send me your test merchant ID

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jcroy33 avatar image jcroy33 commented ·

Test mechant ID: JS4NE6ZY6C2M1

MID is: RCTST0000008099

Not sure if you need MID, but thank you for your help!

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harry625 avatar image
harry625 answered

It seems there might be an issue with how the Service Fee is configured to display in the Hosted Checkout. Have you checked the settings in your Sandbox developer account to ensure the Service Fee is correctly integrated and configured to appear alongside subtotal, tax, and tip? Double-checking these settings could help resolve the visibility issue.

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g3rocks avatar image
g3rocks answered

Lussa: The Final Frontier is a WEB3-oriented NFT PC / Mobile / Console game for real game lovers, enhanced with new dynamics and realistic graphics.

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