
venkrishy avatar image
venkrishy asked bryanvargas commented

Activate Developer Kit

I have ordered a developer kit. Now I don't know how to activate it. I created an account in my sandbox, but it has no way for me to activate it. The instructions state to click Dev Kits on the side-nav, but as can be seen in the second image of the dashboard, there is no link called Dev kits. (2) Where can I find the serial number of the development kit? My Dev kit is completely blank and has no code printed anywhere.

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venkrishy avatar image
venkrishy answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Thanks David for the reply. What is the url for the developer account / dashboard? If I go to, it doesn't work, I can't register my dev kits there either, I get a page asking me to "Add your Dev Kits to your Sandbox Account". I have attached a screenshot of that page.

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venkrishy avatar image
venkrishy answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Also, I started up the devkit device and as I was going through the setup, I see this error “Error retrieving merchant info” when I go through setup. On this page, I do a 14 digit serial number beginning with C0, so I think I am ok with the serial number. If you can tell me how to fix this error, that would be great.

I don't have any extra cables. Are these needed for using the devkit? If so, where can I buy this cable?

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dangdn avatar image
dangdn answered bryanvargas commented

I can integrate clover flex 2 into sandbox dashboard. Help me pls

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
what is the serial number of this device
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