
Danielle Cox avatar image
Danielle Cox asked Miguel Deactivated edited

Devkit won't associate - getting Reseller not found

I am trying to move my devkit from one merchant to another (it is actually a different developer account). I have done this several times in the past. I disassociated it from the one account and the mini reset. I am not in the "Contact Us" screen and then entered the serial number in the field to activate the devkit. It flashes up an error (x2) saying "Reseller not found". I have tried this on both developer accounts.


ps) it won't let me enter a normal topic, only this one which I think are the topics for the first question asked on community - how do I get a proper topic? In this case I wanted it to say devkit
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1 Answer

Bryanne Vega avatar image
Bryanne Vega answered Danielle Cox commented
Have you've made sure that your DevKit is DE-associated from your old Dev account?

A devkit will show as not available to provision if it still associated with the old account. Regarding the Reseller account, I haven't faced this issue before, are you sure it's a dev unit?

PS: For different merchants, I don't create a new dev account, you can create a new merchant (test) on the portal itself when you click on the DBA it says "Create new merchant".
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Danielle Cox avatar image Danielle Cox commented ·

I appreciate the answer. Yes, I had done everything correctly, and yes I have a reason for having multiple accounts (I develop for multiple companies and this is my personal devkit that I use for testing). I am told this has been fixed - they apparently broke sandbox thursday with an update and that is what was going on. Late Friday they had a fix in place. Now, I am only working in offline mode, so I am wondering if something else is going on with sandbox, but who knows ... :-(

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