
dhanaraj avatar image
dhanaraj asked David Marginian commented

Is there a way to add modifiers in bulk?

I have a requirement to add multiple modifiers to all the line item in a single API request.

Adding to the below post stating "I will create an enhancement request for such bulk modification functionality, as that will reduce the number of API calls required."

Ref Url -

Is there any enhancement made or Is it there in the roadmap?

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Nicholas Ho avatar image
Nicholas Ho answered

Currently, there is no bulk method of adding modifications to a line item.

The only way around this is to add each modification individually in separate calls:

We understand that too many API calls will make your app hit its rate limit but we recommend staggering the calls to avoid this issue.

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captainben avatar image
captainben answered David Marginian commented

The ability to reduce api calls is important to improving stability from time outs, load on your system, load on my system, data consistency. Is there any timeline to fixing this issue? Thanks guys

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I agree. I do not have any updates on if/when this will be addressed.

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