
gonogo-dev avatar image
gonogo-dev asked Raymond Lee Deactivated answered

Is there a way to add modifiers in bulk?

In the developer documentation it shows the ability to add a modifier object, but we can't seem to let it add multiple at a time. Which is a problem because any one item can have up to 20+ modifiers which results in 20+ calls to your api! Maybe I'm missing something?? Please help!
10 |2000

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1 Answer

Raymond Lee avatar image
Raymond Lee Deactivated answered
Hi @gonogo_dev,

Currently there is no way to add modifiers to a line item in bulk, so yes, you will have to make those 20+ api calls.

I will create an enhancement request for such bulk modification functionality, as that will reduce the number of api calls required.

Thanks for the suggestion,

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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