
Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

Printer Emulation

Is it possible to simulate a printer on the Android Emulator?
Having tried to launch the printers app it wants to be connected to WiFi which it looks like you can't do with API levels prior to 25. So my next step was going to be to try setting up an emulator for the Station 2018 or Mini (Gen 2) and see where I get...
Bit if anyone has managed it before, let me know how!
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Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett answered
I found this but my experience is that a star printer on my local network is not identified by my emulator (I suspect this is because it uses an isolated subnet/network with some form of NAT rather than having an IP and receiving broadcasts etc on my main LAN?
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Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett answered
Another update for anyone reading. I have managed to get my Star printer connected to an Android tablet to allow working with some printer related bits, but would still love a better solution.
I guess while on the tablet topic... does anyone have suggestions for good tablets to mimic the various Clover devices (i.e. screen size/resolution and operating system version)?
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