
gleebuyfi avatar image
gleebuyfi asked sam Deactivated answered

Genymotion 2.8 is not working with the latest clover installs

I cannot get the latest version of Clover to install to Genymotion.

Using Genymotion 2.8 Android 4.2.2

Following the directions at this url:

If fails at this step:

The core apps will install automatically, and additional apps can be downloaded from the App Market.

I see the following error in the Android Monitor:

11-22 18:40:48.805 1575-2456/com.clover.engine W/DefaultRequestDirector: Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {}
11-22 18:40:48.805 1575-2456/com.clover.engine E/TerminalParamsSyncAdapter: download( down sync failed for authority: com.clover.terminal.emv.config
com.clover.http.HttpResponseException{StatusCode=401, ReasonPhrase='Unauthorized', ErrorBody={"message":"401 Unauthorized"}}
at com.clover.http.CloverRequester.handleResponse(
at com.clover.http.CloverRequester.get(
at com.clover.http.CloverRequester.get(
at com.clover.engine.simplesync.SimpleSyncAdapter.onPerformSync(
at android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter$

I was using the same password and was able to login to the PROD_US website and I made sure to use the target_new_environment script.

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