
mgandia avatar image
mgandia asked Frank Faustino Deactivated edited

Can't finish associate a Clover Flex to my Sandbox

cloverflexproblemscr.jpgWhen trying to associate a new Clover Flex to my Sandbox account it works well until I get to the screen in the Clover Flex that says

You can always make changes to these later using the Setup app.
Do you want to require a Passcode to unlock your device?
Where do you want to take tips and signatures?

After choosing any combination the Continue button don't do nothing and stays in that screen.
Clover FlexSandbox
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greg avatar image greg commented ·

I have the same problem with a Mini 2nd gen. I created a new merchant right before and associated it with the device, but the devkit cannot overcome the last step. Internet connection of the device is also fine. I tried associating again after the code expired, but the same happened again. Currently this devkit is useless for me :( EDIT: I tried again with another merchant (which I used previously) and it worked. Maybe the problem occurs only with brandnew merchants.

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1 Answer

Raymond Lee avatar image
Raymond Lee Deactivated answered Frank Faustino Deactivated edited
@mgandia @greg
We are aware of the issue, and are currently working on a fix. In the meantime, a workaround I can do is to set your test merchant to the Register plan to bypass this issue. Please provide your test merchant ID in a private comment to this post, and I can set your test merchant to the Register plan.
10 |2000

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