
thedangler avatar image
thedangler asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

Return to app after payment process

I recently saw silverwares app in person and I'm wondering how do they keep their application open at all times? I had trouble launching my app after payment, but theirs worked flawlessly. After payment was processed it went right back to the app and loaded the next bill to be payed at the table.


Clover FlexSandboxPaymentConnector
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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
We don't have access to their source code so it's hard to say, but I could speculate.

1. Use Customer Mode API to allow the app to be full screen / hide the system bars
2. Make their app a home app meaning that if the user presses home it will return to their app.

You'd want to make sure and get approval as doing either of these, to some degree turns Clover into a dedicated device for your app. You can email for more information.
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