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dex-cook Deactivated posted jakob commented

We are in this together | Clover + Developer Partners | March 31st, 2020

We are in this together

Over the past few weeks, many of you have contacted us to discuss how we can work together during this difficult time. We understand how challenging it is right now for your operation, and we are both focused on our shared merchants and their opportunities now.

Please let us share some of the things we have started to put in place for our merchants here. Please also continue to check back here as we will add any additional, relevant merchant blog posts.

As the terrific partners you are, you too may have implemented programs to help our merchants. We have already featured some of your offers in a resource kit for our sales team. Our Business Consultants are providing extra help to merchants now, including educating them on your valuable applications and special offers.

Please share any suggestions or program ideas you have with us at

Developer app approval process

To assure you, the developer app approval and app update processes have not been affected and continue to operate as before. Also, we are committed to shipping Dev Kits, but delays of up to three weeks may be anticipated at this time. Please continue to check here for the latest shipment timelines.

Please stay safe, and take care of your loved ones, your employees, and communities. Our thoughts are with you and our shared merchants as we all work through this challenging period together.

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matt avatar image matt commented ·

Will submitted apps be approved as usual or will there be delays?

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joel-mc avatar image joel-mc ♦♦ matt commented ·

We will continue to approve apps per usual, no additional delays expected at this time beyond the usual processes.

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retailcp avatar image retailcp joel-mc ♦♦ commented ·

We are asking all developers to give honest feedback to managers who run Clover. I thunk Clover does not care about the work we developers do. The Clover legal people will not approve out 'existing privacy terms' when we submit new apps. There was a shortage of app testers for all of 2019. It is a joke when Clover now say { there will be no extra delays compared to usual app approval processes }. My response is that the sad reality is the existing approval process has not being working since summer 2018. Are you guys in Clover PR and management living in the clouds ? Do you know what has been happening ? My experience: We are waiting since August 2019 for a great new app to be approved. Then mid-March 2020 finally some says they will test our app. A week later they say they are waiting for legal department to approve our 'privacy terms'. {Note that the same privacy terms have not changed since you last approved an app for us end 2018. Now April 1st, eight months since we submitted our next app, we have no news on app testing or legal decision on our 'existing privacy terms. so why should I welcome today's announcement that same approval times will continue. ?

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justinsouter avatar image justinsouter commented ·

Are DevKits being shipped? We have an order that seems in limbo.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ justinsouter commented ·

Devkits are being delayed, please see -

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retailcp avatar image retailcp commented ·

Can all app developers send your honest feedback to this Clover announcement. Tell us and them how many months are you waiting for your apps to be tested and how many months are you waiting for Clover legal to approve [a] Privacy terms for new developers and [b] Privacy terms previously approved by Clover for experienced developers. For my part we waited five months from June 2018 to Nov-2018 for legal approval. Now for those exact same privacy terms, we have waited for Clover legal approval from August 2019 to now and are are still waiting 1st April 2020. Developers speak up now.

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matt avatar image matt retailcp commented ·

We are waiting since 3 weeks, so we are still optimistic :)

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Ram avatar image Ram ♦♦ retailcp commented ·
@RetailCP your app is indeed important to us, and so is your feedback. Yes, there have been lengthy delays for many apps.

Clover's made some focused investments in the App Approval process in 2019, but as with most investments, it's taken some time for this to translate into tangible results. We've seen positive traction from these investments since November, but we recognize that app approvals still need to be sped up more, and this "improvement" is little consolation for some apps that are still pending approval for a while.

We take your feedback seriously, and we will continue to invest in improving our app approval process. I'll follow up with you to listen, hear your feedback and implement further improvements.

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cloveruser808 avatar image cloveruser808 Ram ♦♦ commented ·

Hello - While you're at it with communication and taking feedback, can you take the following feedback?

I've emailed the appbusiness line and have talked to one of your main (and helpful) moderators on this forum about private apps for merchants who want to develop internal apps using OAuth. There seems to be this air of resistance, hesitation, and "the runaround" when it comes to getting traction on this issue.

Lots of merchants have developers on staff that have no use, desire, or need to put out a publicly facing app that then requires support. We also want to follow the process of OAuth. We can, we have the means, and we want to be secure. But we don't need to publish and support apps.

Maybe you can pass that along, as well. Private apps would be game changing for us merchants that either have devs on staff or are devs ourselves.

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Bryanne Vega avatar image Bryanne Vega commented ·

The pricing model for small/new developers is extrordinary, this should be tiered (more merchants = get charged a bigger percentage all the way to 30% like it's being done now).

I have never been able to publish in the EU region. I continue to have problems with the portal and app publishing, it takes MONTHS for a follow up question.

The approval process & app update procedures are a joke.
If you submit your app for update way before the deadline for the next publishing window, I have had app updates that are skipped 4 windows and never get a reply on what happened.

If there's a problem with the APK (because there's a single false positive that I've been having since way back in 2017) they simply just don't approve the update and the cause arises when updating official SDK from AWS to the latest version.

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mariadsouza362 avatar image mariadsouza362 commented ·

In today's image-driven world, creating captivating visuals is more important than ever. vsco mod apk latest version 2024 has emerged as a leading platform for photo and video editing, empowering users of all skill levels to transform their content into eye-catching masterpieces.

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chetan.bhatia contributed to this article Dex_Cook contributed to this article