
Chetan Bhatia avatar image
Chetan Bhatia Deactivated posted samhk commented

RESOLVED: Known login issues on the emulator - September 13th, 2019

UPDATE: The 401 Unauthorized issue was fixed however there is an issue with App Updater not installing the necessary Clover apps. We're actively working to fix this issue and will keep this post updated with the latest.
We are aware of login issues on the emulator. Currently, if you try to login with your test merchant account credentials on the emulator, you receive a 401 Unauthorized response.

As a temporary solution, remove the current version of the Clover Engine app and then install version 2022 of the app:

A more permanent fix will roll out early September 2019. We will follow up when we have more information.
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ismdcf avatar image ismdcf commented ·


We are facing an issue where we are stuck with the following version for the clover emulator

appupdater ->

clover-engine ->

Installing the latest version of the above apps from would not install any apps on the emulator after signing in with the clover account. Installing the above-specified version we are stuck with our sandbox app not updating or uninstalling the app from sandbox, we need to create the emulator from scratch if we need to update or reinstall our app.

Please be kind enough to provide a timeline for the fix.

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pdgsolutions avatar image pdgsolutions commented ·


Ok, what do we do in the meantime? In this link I can see the latest apps listed. Should do we download a previous version? What's the link?

Thank you

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resicons avatar image resicons commented ·

I found a temporary solution:
remove your current clover engine app, then download the older version:
install it then login again, it should work

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pdgsolutions avatar image pdgsolutions resicons commented ·

It doesn't work for me! After adding the apps I reboot the adb service but apps are not installed afterwards, no notification appears with the installation process, I cannot continue with the guide steps.

I presume I'll need to use a specific version of appupdater that matches the engine in order to proceed, but what that version is... do you know?

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pdgsolutions avatar image pdgsolutions pdgsolutions commented ·

found it! appupdater version 1131 works!
As a workaround at this moment we can use these packages:

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lainz avatar image lainz commented ·

Hi, it doesn't work for me. It says 'invalid credentials' when I can login to my account from a browser.

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pdgsolutions avatar image pdgsolutions commented ·

found it! appupdater version 1131 with engine version 2022 works!
As a workaround at this moment we can use these packages:

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