
duyenhang avatar image
duyenhang asked juck answered

Do Sale response Sale cancel after change ip and reconnected Clover mini

I use Clover mini, device ipad run POS app connect with Clover mini by SDK ios.


1. POS connect ip with clover mini

2. Clover mini change wifi, the ip is change.

3. POS connect again with Clover mini via new ip.

4. do sale

-> Result: response "sale cancel"



self.urlSetting = url

let config = WebSocketDeviceConfiguration(endpoint: url,

remoteApplicationID: appId,

posName: appName, posSerial: posSerial,

pairingAuthToken: nil,

pairingDeviceConfiguration: self)

self.myCloverConnector = CloverConnectorFactory.createICloverConnector(config: config)



Please help me check

my Clover sn: C032UQ04630195

Clover MiniRemote Pay iOS
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duyenhang avatar image
duyenhang answered

log on xcode:

2024-11-28 14:20:06.912922+0700 Staging[15795:691475] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C204:1] connectx(37, [srcif=0, srcaddr=<NULL>, dstaddr=], SAE_ASSOCID_ANY, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SAE_CONNID_ANY) failed: [64: Host is down]

2024-11-28 14:20:06.913305+0700 Staging[15795:691475] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C204:1] connectx failed (fd 37) [64: Host is down]

2024-11-28 14:20:06.913452+0700 Staging[15795:691475] [] nw_socket_connect connectx failed [64: Host is down]

2024-11-28 14:20:06.914637+0700 Staging[15795:690861] [connection] nw_connection_get_connected_socket [C204] Client called nw_connection_get_connected_socket on unconnected nw_connection

2024-11-28 14:20:06.915384+0700 Staging[15795:690861] TCP Conn 0x281f749a0 Failed : error 0:64 [64]


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duyenhang avatar image
duyenhang answered

after onDeviceDisconnected, reconnect with new ip, it's always get onDeviceDisconnected (but this ip is right)

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juck avatar image
juck answered

Check if the Clover mini's session gets invalidated when the IP changes. It might be causing the transaction to cancel. Ensure the is properly resetting the session. Also, confirm the device configuration aligns with the new IP after reconnection. A deeper look at the logs might help pinpoint the issue.

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