
yys avatar image
yys asked wordleweb answered

Webhook for Hosted Checkout Page

I'm encountering an issue with the webhook for the hosted checkout. My objective is to update the payment status to my website via the webhook once a payment is completed. Interestingly, everything functions smoothly when I utilize my testing Clover account—the webhook operates as expected. However, upon switching to a real or production Clover account, despite maintaining the same Webhook URL, the webhook ceases to function altogether, even though the hosted checkout page and payment itself process successfully. I'm wondering if there might be any overlooked permission settings causing this discrepancy. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered

Have you configured the webhook URL in your production merchant's dashboard on the hosted checkout configuration page?

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wordleweb avatar image
wordleweb answered

Sometimes, different environments have different limitations and configurations for webhooks. Check the support documentation or ask Clover for details that's not my neighbor about any limitations or special configurations you need to adhere to when using webhooks in a production environment.

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