I am doing a project for my company, we want to get all orders to track our inventory.
This app is private use only. How do I apply for the webhooks?
Webhooks are configured via a Clover web app. You must go through our approval process in production even if the app will be private. First you will create a developer account and get the developer account approved - https://docs.clover.com/docs/developer-account-approval. Then you will need to submit and get your app approved - https://docs.clover.com/docs/developer-app-approval. This process can generally takes around 8 weeks.
Do you have a description or details? Are you sure you are logging in to the correct environment? Did you try retrieving your password?
Have you tried a different browser? Clearing your cache, etc.? The login attempts look like they are successful on the server.
I logged in, but the page is like this:
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