
yilipiao avatar image
yilipiao asked yilipiao action

webhooks cannot get data

1. When I create an Inventory item, i received the webhook data is like this:


There is no item name, sku, price and other information i need for this item.

2.Also, I want to test webhooks for order, but I could not make an order for my sandbox app.

3. How do I test for my product merchant? I am making an inventory app for my own company. I need to get all orders from clover to change my inventory.

Thank you so much!

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered yilipiao commented

1. "There is no item name, sku, price and other information i need for this item."

The webhook is notifying you that item PQ.....1W has changed. When receieved you will query for that item to obtain the updated data.

2. Also, I want to test webhooks for order, but I could not make an order for my sandbox app.

You can use the orders api to create an order -

3. How do I test for my product merchant? I am making an inventory app for my own company. I need to get all orders from clover to change my inventory.

I am not sure what you are asking.

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yilipiao avatar image yilipiao commented ·

Thank you so much for your quick reply.

For the third question, I am testing it from sandbox, but I am wondering how to test it for my real merchant. I have POS machine, and I want to get orders using webhooks from there.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ yilipiao commented ·

Are you the merchant or are you developing an app for a merchant to use? Unfortunately, to use web hooks in production you must have a Clover app and in production you won't be able to install an app to your merchant unless it has went though our approval process.

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yilipiao avatar image yilipiao David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I am the developer for my company, and my company is the merchant. I am developing apps for my company.

So i have to give all my code to your team to get approval? and then download it from the app store?

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