
doranhandman avatar image
doranhandman asked fasih answered

Where would I configure Webhooks to work with Hosted Checkout, send Clover order#

Where would I configure Webhooks to work with Hosted Checkout, send Clover order#

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

You should be able to do that from your merchant dashboard, I can't check now but I believe it is in the area where you create api tokens.

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doranhandman avatar image
doranhandman answered David Marginian commented

I can see a field for Webhooks in the API Token "Configure" interface, but where would I set up/configure the Webhook itself. If I am not understanding the nature of Webhooks please point me to some documentation to access/capture the Clover "Order ID" during any part of the process using The "Hosted Checkout" API Token.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I am not sure what your question is. Webhooks are essentially a callback mechanism, we make a call to your server when a certain action occurs. You will put the url to your server where you want to receive the webhook, and we will call it.

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fasih avatar image
fasih answered

We are developing a self hosted custom app. The app takes customer order history and order total and do certain calculations and gives output to a self hosted app. I am trying to find a way to setup webbooks to avoid running crons. I havn't been able to find the webhooks in merchant account, it only shows setting up API.

Please let me know what is right way to setup the webhooks? Do I have to create a new developer/sandbox account? Does that sandbox/developer account will allow me to get orders from live Merchant account? If not then how can I trigger a webhook when i new order is created in live merchant account.


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