
orderlyai avatar image
orderlyai asked poieodev commented

Unable to login to global-developer-home.It is constantly redirecting back to login screen

I created a developer account in It was working fine initially. It came with a default test merchant account. After I added 2FA for the "Test Merchant" account, I am no longer able to login to the developer account. It constantly redirects to login screen even after putting in the credentials.

I tried creating a new account with a different email and it works fine . (I did not add 2FA for the test merchant account). So I am guessing the problem is related to 2FA for test merchant account.

I have to recover the original account because it was created using my company's official email id and that would be our official developer account. I have even submitted for developer verification using that account.

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markstorer avatar image
markstorer answered markstorer published

Exact same issue. After adding 2FA for the Test Merchant, successful login redirects to the login page. I have used a lot of different company's API, including OAuth and expiring tokens. This has been the most painful process and still not getting simple eCommerce authentication to work. Please help ....

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asabatine avatar image
asabatine answered

I have the exact same issue after adding 2FA for the Test Merchant in Sandbox. I am now unable to access my developer account because it redirects back to the login screen no matter what I do. My only option at this point is to create a new developer account using a different email address. Please fix this, very annoying bug that can easily be remedied by not allowing 2FA to be turned on for test merchant accounts.

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diegoterra avatar image
diegoterra answered

Any fixes for this issue?

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diegoterra avatar image
diegoterra answered

Any fixes for this issue??? Workarounds?

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diegoterra avatar image
diegoterra answered olinto commented

Alexander helped me with this one. Thanks

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olinto avatar image olinto commented ·

I'm having the same problem. How do I solve it? Tks

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atul7v7 avatar image
atul7v7 answered

i am also facing exact same issue, upon entering the credential it goes to home screen and redirect back to login screen . Clover team please post the solution soon

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olinto avatar image
olinto answered

We need a solution as a matter of urgency. This is how Clover treats us as

developers, just imagine how they treat their customers.

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bkoch avatar image
bkoch answered

Having the same issue as well!

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vbchinnu avatar image
vbchinnu answered

I am having a similar issue.

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dillonkerr avatar image
dillonkerr answered poieodev commented


Currently there is a known issue whereby developers on our Global Developer Platform are logged out after enabling 2FA on their test merchant accounts.

There is a workaround for this issue described on our docs page here:

To get 2FA removed so that you can access your account again, I would recommend emailing '' with the subject line 'GDE - 2FA logout issue' if this is applicable to you.

Please include the owner email for the account that is experiencing the issue.


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poieodev avatar image poieodev commented ·
Followed @dillonKerr solution for emailing developer relations and the problem has been resolved!
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