
timbers avatar image
timbers asked vincent9874 edited

Is there an option to force an employee to close all orders before clocking out?

I had an employee clock out leaving orders open. No way to know if they were paid for or not. Is there an option to notify the employee that they have open orders when they clock out, and stop them from clocking out until they are closed?

10 |2000

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1 Answer

vincent9874 avatar image
vincent9874 answered vincent9874 edited


Yes, some Point of Sale (POS) systems have a feature that can notify employees of open orders when they attempt to clock out. This feature can be set up to prevent employees from clocking out until all orders are closed. You may need to check the settings or permissions in your POS system to enable this feature. If your current system doesn’t support this, you might consider upgrading to a POS system that offers more robust employee management and order tracking capabilities. It’s a useful feature to ensure all transactions are completed and accounted for before an employee ends their shift.

I hope this helps you!

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