
rafiq avatar image
rafiq asked sakere answered

Not getting employee clock in time and clock out time


Not getting employee clock in time and clock out time. I was calling this and getting the response

  1. {"elements":[{"href":
  2. ""
  3. "id":
  4. "NYWS6W4JR1BAW"
  5. "employee":{"href":
  6. ""
  7. "id":
  8. "ZZZZ"
  9. "orders":{"href":
  10. ""
  11. }}}]"href":
  12. ""
  13. }

But according to I need to get the clock in time and out time.


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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Have the employees in question clocked in/out from the shifts app on the device? I just tested this endpoint and the clock in/out time is properly returned if a clock in/out action has occurred.

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rafiq avatar image rafiq commented ·

Hello again,

Thanks again. Basically still it's in the developer end so no device with us. We are just trying to do the following stuff:

1. Will pull employee time (clock in and clock out) from the Clover using REST API
2. Will store in our local server (Such as
3. After certain time will push this in the

Please assist how we can proceed.


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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ rafiq commented ·

Clock in and clock out times will not be available if the employee hasn't clocked in or clocked out. If an employee has clockec in/out that data will be available.

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rafiq avatar image rafiq David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

ok got it. How I can develop this stuff in the development stage? please suggest.

2nd thing... which kind of apps I will ask client to use this then I can get data?

Please assist

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sakere avatar image
sakere answered

Mastering the time and flow needed to get through each level is what makes it hard. The game stays fun and interesting by adding new geometry dash subzero features with each level.

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