
richa avatar image
richa asked David Marginian answered

employee access


Suppose I have merchant M and employee E under this merchant.Merchant M connects to my web portal via clover.Is there any API by which I can know whether employee is having permission to access my portal using clover ? Or By default employee E can access web portal which is connected by Merchant M.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

I am trying to help you, but you keep asking the same question over and over, so I must be misunderstanding what you are asking. Maybe it will help if I explain to you how things things work, if this explanation doesn't clear things up for your, please reply back with a specific question:

1) You will develop an app and you will get that app published in Clover's App Market.

2) A prospective merchant will see your app, decide they like it and install it.

3) You will guide the merchant through the OAuth flow ( and obtain an OAuth token on their behalf.

4) You will securely store the OAuth token, now your app can make API requests on the merchants behalf (limited, of course to the permissions your app has requested).

This has nothing to do with employees. If your app ("portal") wants to have it's own user management system and the merchant that installed that app creates 10 users in your system then your app will use the same token (that you securely stored in step 4) for API requests for those users.

10 |2000

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