
timourkh avatar image
timourkh asked contactpackage commented

Disassociate DevKit

I have a used Mini 2 Dev Kit. Is it possible to delete its association
with the merchant account I no longer have access to?

Serial # of the device is C032UQ95150575
I believe it was associated with Clover ID:678B0WTPCDNW1.

Would it be possible to re-associate it with FME74NF52V351 or just
dump it and we'll associate it ourselves?

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered contactpackage commented

Please email in to with your sandbox developer information

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contactpackage avatar image contactpackage commented ·

Yes, you can contact Clover support or your previous merchant services provider to help you disassociate the device from the old merchant account. They can guide you through the process of unlinking the Mini 2 Dev Kit from the previous Clover ID and potentially help you associate it with the new Clover ID (FME74NF52V351).


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timourkh avatar image
timourkh answered bryanvargas commented

Thanks Bryan! We got the reply from the developer-relations, but they just send a bunch of links to the documentation. Perhaps, there is something we don't understand. Is it actually possible to disassociate the device if we have no access to the sandbox/merchant account this device is associated with?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
DevRel would be able to assist in that. You have to give them the details and they have to verify the account to make sure everything is clear before they disassociate the device.
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