
sonu avatar image
sonu asked bryanvargas answered

we have already logged in at Clover Station as employee I am trying to refund but refund button showing disbale ? ?

We are using sendbox envioment.

Login in clover station as employee but when I am tring to refund order amount So refund button showing but disable . please suggest us how to process refund with clover station login with emp credencial.

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

The employee profile may not have the permissions. I would doublecheck the permissions for employees:

Test Merchant dashboard> Employees> Permissions

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rhajr avatar image
rhajr answered bryanvargas converted comment to answer

Is your device online? If you trying to do manual refund while offline it won't work as far as I know

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sonu avatar image
sonu answered

"We have identified what we are doing wrong in the employee login case. In order to rectify this, we need to grant permissions separately within the employee application. Specifically, within the refund section, there should be a checkbox that, when selected, grants permission."

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