
brokenoval avatar image
brokenoval asked Miguel Deactivated commented

Relationship between item "refunded" item and "refunds" array

I'm trying to track refunds and assumed that if an order was refunded all the line items (or some items if a partial refund) would be marked as "refunded": TRUE. My assumption was that total refund amount would be equal to the total price of all the items refunded:

i.e. this amount

"refunds": { "elements": [ { "amount": 265, },

should equal some lineItem in the order e.g.:

"lineItems": { "elements": [ { "price": 265, "refunded": false, }

however I'm finding that there are a number of instances (as shown above) where the lineItem is not marked as "refunded": true

Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding some logic?


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brokenoval avatar image brokenoval commented ·

End point looks like this:<access_token>&limit=1000&expand=overrideMerchantTender,refunds,lineItems,payments.tender,discounts&returnnull_fields=true

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