
wsadiq avatar image
wsadiq asked rachel Deactivated commented

Issue with refund handling

Our application handles refunds with store credit. We use the in manifest.

            android:label="Customer Connect"
                <action android:name="clover.intent.action.MANUAL_REFUND" />
                <action android:name="clover.intent.action.STORE_CREDIT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

Refund processing works perfectly in our environment. When we refund an order, we see our tender as an option for refund processing. However, one of our customers is complaining that he does not see our tender as an option for refund processing. Is there any option in Clover or some configuration setting that would prevent him from processing refunds that way?



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wsadiq avatar image wsadiq commented ·

Hi Rachel,

That posts seems to be about implementing refund functionality with a giftcard. We have that and it works fine. It is just that for one particular merchant, he is not seeing our giftcard as an option when he attempts to apply a refund. A lot gets lost between merchant reporting an issue to us and we don't have access to their configuration. That is why I was wondering if there is a configuration anywhere that prevents a alternative form of refund, other than the original tender.

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wsadiq avatar image wsadiq commented ·

can you send me your email at please.

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