question avatar image asked rubyrhodes sent

Secure Network Pay Display using DNS name + WSS

Hi, I connected my POS with SNPD well using an IP address + WSS (Server Is Secured)

However, I can't connect my POS with SNPD using DNS name likes wss://Clover-C032xyz.local.:12345/remote_pay

I ping Clover-C032xyz.local. from my computer => It's OK

Sometimes, I have to wait about 10-15 minutes to Clover ask the manager passcode in pairing.

A few months ago, I connected them well using DNS name likes www://Clover-unknown.local.:12345/remote_pay

I don't know how to dig deeper into the log to know what's the problem with the DNS name.

=> After working around, WS work well while WSS doesn't work. Why?

Another question: Can I change the DNS name to a new name likes: wss://Clover-123:12345/remote_pay
If I can, how to do that?

Clover Minisemi-integrationsClover Flexsecure network pay displayRemote Pay iOS
10 |2000

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Could you please help me this issue?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

No, you cannot change the device name.

This sounds like a networking issue, so, I can't really help you. I would try using ws instead of wss to see if that helps.

0 Likes 0 · avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·


I mean

Using IP address:

- WS => OK

- WSS => OK

Using DNS name (Serial Number)
- WS => OK

- WSS => Can't connect

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mitche avatar image mitche commented ·

I'm also having this same issue with Windows 10 Pro. Below is the connection string I'm using but the connection fails. I've tried both 'wss' and 'ws' and neither works.


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1 Answer

· avatar image answered

Can you help me make sure the connection using DNS name + WSS successfully?

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