Please brief how to configure webhook for live mode without ngrok(Ngrok is working fine for testing) but want to check it on my live website
Please brief how to configure webhook for live mode without ngrok(Ngrok is working fine for testing) but want to check it on my live website
Can you explain the problem you are facing? We send your server a message, you take the validation code and validate your url in our dashboard.
Can you brief how to get hit on my code from live website url for various webhook events?I am unable to configure webhook url for my live website.
Can you explain the steps you are taking? Are you using your sandbox app? If you previously set-up a test/ngrok url you will need to delete your webhook configuration by selecting the "delete" icon from the webhook configuration page and set up and validate a new webhook url.
I am using app in production environment.I want to set my webhook url based on my live website url to hit action methods for webhook events.How to configure webhooks for nontesting mode?
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