
nicneeb avatar image
nicneeb asked David Marginian edited

Set Maximum Number of Orders Per Hour?

With online orders, walk-in orders, and Doordash, our kitchen is swamped. We can easily get 20 orders at once. Is there a way to set a maximum number of orders per hour? Is there a third party app that can see, oh, there are already 5 orders in process, next order placed will have an ETA of now + X (time configurable by store?)

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

I will check with the online ordering team, but, I don't believe this is currently supported. If it isn't it would be a nice capability and I will see if we can get it added as a feature request.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

The online ordering team said this is on the roadmap, but I can't provide you with an ETA.

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