
baopastry avatar image
baopastry asked David Marginian answered

Take orders from emails or phone calls

Good afternoon Dear Clover Community

We are a happy user of Clover (Clover Station 14” touch screen).

Our business now has more and more people reaching out to us to order from phone calls, e-mails, text/SMS, messenger (i.e from "outside" the store, not from the Clover Station register itself) ...

So, to handle that, for now, all our Sales Associates use a manual hand writing note book, where they write down all those “custom” orders (one by one., call by call, e-mail by e-mail, etc.). And of course, this is slow, not very efficient, and we would now like to digitize it, make it more efficient, faster, and better for everyone :

We would like to use software or tools available for CLOVER (or around Clover’s ecosystem), so that it’s faster, more seamless, and so that we can use CLOVERS inventory, instead of re-writing it down by hand everytime. Of course, it needs to be possibly done from another device (PC, Tablet, Smartphone...) than the Clover Station itself.

We know that ORDERS are the “kernel objects” from CLOVER, and how to handle them (edit, modify, cancel, refund…)... BUT HOW TO ACTUALLY Create “specific orders” into CLOVER (but from “outside” the Station itself ? (phone calls, e-mails, texts, requests….) ?

We did not find any way to do that (take the customer’s call or e-mail lead, write down name, address, cell phone number, order content, date of order, date for pickup, paid or not, etc)

So now, we are starting with some basic simple “MS Forms” (like “Google Forms), but it’s not very comfortable, not integrated at all, and very slow...

We would really expect CLOVER to offer such tool (allowing to take orders “outside” from the Clover Station itself) : can you please tell us how to do that ? We have also browsed the available APPS in Clover, in order to take/manage orders, but we are not sure which app to use ? to try ? to subscribe ? (we would prefer something simple and free, but if there is something good, with a fair monthly subscription, we would definitely try it and adopt it, if it really fits our needs !)

Thank you very much for your help

Best regards

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Have you looked at Clover Online Ordering? This doesn't handle email/text/calls but it would really replace those other methods.

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