
retailcp avatar image
retailcp asked David Marginian answered

Can Clover please enable ADD COST and PER UNIT to Variable priced item ?

Can Clover please enable ADD COST and PER UNIT to Variable priced item ?

[1] Jewelers Gold costs change each week. They need to use Variable Selling prices.

Can Clover dev team add feature to 'Register' to enable in SET-UP that some merchants (especially Jewellers) will have option to enter Cost of Item after they enter variable selling price ?

[2] Per Unit pricing is enabled ONLY for Fixed price items.

Can Clover dev team add feature to 'Register' to enable 'Per Unit' with Variable priced item ?

Reason for Requests:

Businesses who sell variable priced items, need to track profits for those items.

Businesses that see items by weight or volume, need variable pricing

These features will improve Clover sell into Jewelers, hardware stores, wood yards and more.

Many thanks

10 |2000

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Hi, this forum is for 3rd party developers that build apps on Clover's platform and is monitored by engineers. We aren't equipped to handle feature requests. Please add your request to User Voice - so that the people that make product/business level decisions will see it. Thank you.

10 |2000

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